Monday 2 September 2013

O2: 'Be More Dog'

(Agency: VCCP; Air date: 4/7/13; Length: 60 seconds)

O2’s latest TV advert implores us all to ‘be more dog’. We are shown that cats, with their aloofness and cold indifference to life, live a humdrum, boring existence, most of which is spent comfortably sprawled out on something (sounds quite appealing to me). Dogs, on the other hand, have an irrepressible lust for life and are bursting with excitement and exuberance, whether they are digging a hole, chasing a car or grabbing a frisbee. 

Now, this may well all be true, although cats appear quite content with their job in my opinion. And O2 probably don’t want their customers to be more like those dogs that maul a toddler and are promptly destroyed afterwards. But what the hell has any of this got to do with mobile phones? This is one of the most bizarre ads I’ve seen in a while. It’s essentially a 60-second video lolcat. But the cat they’ve got looks really sinister, not helped by the Exorcist-like head twist it does a quarter of the way through.[1] Then, as the cat decides to be more dog, the first gentle notes of Erik Satie’s beautiful ‘Gymnopédie No. 1’ give way to Queen’s ultra-camp theme tune from Flash Gordon, two tunes I never thought I’d hear back-to-back. Finally, did anyone at VCCP (the agency behind the ad) consider the fact that, on the whole, cats and dogs aren’t usually the best of friends in real life? A cat deciding to be more dog is like a Crip one day deciding to ‘be more Blood’. 

Being more dog, it turns out, means playing with and exploring the new technology and software that O2 has to offer. I learned this from visiting their website. Had I not done, I think I’d still be as bemused as I was when I first saw the ad. It really is an odd strapline for a telecommunications company, particularly when read in isolation and out of context, like the other day when I saw it on a banner ad on YouTube. The ad announced details of Plan B’s promotional concert at the O2 Shepherd’s Bush Academy, followed by ‘be more dog’. Is Plan B more dog than cat, I wondered. Considering the amount of endorsements he’s doing lately – Hewlett-Packard, Bulmer’s and now O2 – I think he’d be a monkey if you threw enough money at him. 

Finally, there’s also a simple problem with this slogan. Yes, dogs do seem to fizz with delight each time they go out to play, but they get the same delirious pleasure from playing the same handful of games – like fetching a stick or chasing their tail – day-in, day-out for the rest of their lives. Contrary to what O2 want us to do – i.e. keep upgrading our phones to new and better models, and keep buying new games and apps to play with on those phones – ‘being more dog’ would more accurately mean bounding with joy every morning at the prospect of pulling out the old Nokia 3310, having yet another game of Snake and never getting bored of it. My prediction for this campaign? It won’t be long before this puppy is put to sleep.

[1] Even more bizarre is the CGI rendering of the cat on the campaign website, this time with its tongue hanging out, panting expectantly like a dog.

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