Sunday 14 August 2016

Travelodge logo rant

Wake up! The plane is on fire!
I’ve never liked Travelodge UK’s logo. Firstly, the shape of the picture makes it look as if the viewer is peering through an aeroplane window, not the window of a hotel room. In the foreground of the little square, a character rendered in blue snoozes contentedly – a peaceful, nice enough image for a company trying to sell us a cheap night’s sleep. However, my second objection is that the little person sleeps against a background of deep vermilion, which makes him look as if he is sleeping in the midst of a blazing inferno. Every time I look at the logo I can’t help but think this poor fool, dozing blissfully unaware, is going to be shaken from his slumber at any moment by blaring fire alarms and screaming passengers running up and down the galley of the plane, as the overwhelmed cabin crew desperately make a futile attempt to calm the passengers and quell the blaze. As the flames lick at him and the plane starts to nosedive, the little blue man desperately tries to make sense of his catastrophic change of fortune, frantically thinking what is best – to be devoured by the fire before impact or to be spared the flames and to die on collision with the earth. As the plane hurtles towards the ground, the little blue man panics, pleads, prays for a way out that he knows is not there.

Poor little blue man.